Eternity Matters Sydney Harbor Bridge
Eternity Matters Sydney Harbor Bridge

Welcome to Eternity Matters

This site helps to continue the work of Arthur Stace who did his very best (anonymously) with a piece of chalk on pavement, to get the word “Eternity” out into the public arena.

It will be hard to top the 4 billion television viewers of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Y2K display - and then from the opening of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games - that resulted from his work; but we’re doing what we can with a keyboard, newspapers and internet.

Our raison d’être is to provide insights for the public into the varied world of Christendom. 

EM regularly publishes true and positive faith-stories in local press as a community service, and sponsors a national testimony-writers' competition; the best entries available in book format and broadcast over radio.

We believe the best way to communicate the realities and truths of the Christian faith is by letting believers tell their own experiences—and how it's working for them.


 .....we need to face it now!

Because we all will—we don’t know when—but there’s no return ticket!

   So why shouldn't we face up to what could be the most important question of our existence

What if it really does matter?
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